
The blog content is organized around the following categories of posts:

Global Governance Debates

One theme, different perspectives. A more nuanced debate on various global governance issues.

The Essentials

The most important things you need to know to stay abreast of the latest developments in global governance.

From the Field

Reportage by our associated researchers and colleagues based on their experiences conducting fieldwork around the world.

Research Outputs

Showcasing the latest research results coming out of the Global Governance Centre and beyond, including scholarly publications, book launches, and report releases.


Highlighting the main takeaways from a wide of events we organize or attend in International Geneva and beyond.

Policy Briefs

Aimed at informing policy debates, our briefs summarize pressing complex issues, weigh the implications for global governance and suggest recommendations.



The blog covers a wide range of topics related to global governance, with emphasis (although not exclusively) on the core thematic thematic areas of the Global Governance Centre, including:

  • Global Politics of Knowledge
  • International Organizations & Global Policy Making
  • International Sanctions & Their Effectiveness
  • Politics of International Law